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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Rare Winter Storm in the Southeast and Gulf Coast Today into Wednesday

A rare winter storm continues tonight across the Gulf Coast and the Southeast to the Mid-Atlantic with as much as 6 to 10 inches of snow forecast from northeast South Carolina to southeast Virginia.  Snow, sleet, freezing rain and rain began last night and continued today into tonight with numerous traffic accidents and power outages.  States of Emergency have been declared for Louisiana, North Carolina and Alabama.  At 8:00 p.m. light snow was falling in Atlanta, 21 degrees.  The snow is forecast to end late tonight. Ravenel Bridge in Charleston, SC is now closed this evening.  It will be very cold tonight and tomorrow night in Atlanta with lows in the mid to upper teens.  Highs on Wednesday will only be near 31 but it will warm-up to near 60 on Friday.  
George Wright is a Certified Consulting Meteorologist for Wright Weather Consulting, LLC. Visit our website at Follow George Wright on Twitter @gwweather.